Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Take yer HT and shove it up yer ML...

Only a computer dork would care...but I just realized that IE now properly recognizes and displays PNG images. That means it can handle transparent images. Earth shattering news? Hardly. But it is somewhat nice to see that the major browsers are slowly getting closer to actually following the rules that allow websites to be read.


thephoenixnyc said...

Its sexy when you geektalk.

Shawn said...

If I could only get the girls to agree...

Anonymous said...

My God! Took Microsoft long enough. Now, watch. They'll probably say they invented transparency.

I just found out the other day that Microsoft didn't even write SQL Server. They bought it from someone else. That company never invented anything. Not DOS, not Windows (Xerox), not IE (Mosaic ring a bell?), not BASIC.

PNGs are da bomb. I use them all the time. The GIMP does wonderful things with PNGs.

Anonymous said...

If I could only get the girls to agree...

Mrs. Z married me for it. They're definitely out there.

Laura said...

transparent images? I admit, I'm lost...

Anonymous said...

Laura - You ever see how in some parts of images, you can see through part of them and see the background? That's a transparent image. wikipedia has a nice page on png transparency: