What's more amazing than life itself? Nothing really. The world - the universe - is so big and so wonderful that it can hardly be imagined. And yet, for some reason, we go through our days - our lives - without even looking.
Just think of the breeze on your cheek. On a good day we might stop and think that it feels nice to feel that breeze. But even on the best of days, we seldom think past that - we seldom stop in wonder at the combination of events that caused that moment.
The earth spun and the sun appeared to rise in the sky. That sun sent rays of light and energy through a vastness of space and they hit the earth causing the temperature to rise.
The temperature rose at different speeds and the warmer air rose quicker, displacing air that was in it's place and the movement of that air caused more air to move until someone, somewhere felt a breeze or saw a branch sway.
And that's just a fraction of the things happening around us constantly. Every instant is the result of countless other instants and will, in turn, become the cause of a following instant.
Our lives are made up of these millions upon millions of instants and we seldom look closely at any of them. Today's assignment - should you choose to accept it - is to take one minute to stop and think about something. It can be anything.
Stop and wonder about how it got the way it is, or how it got where it is. What caused it? How does it work?
One minute - anything.
Think about something - yourself, your computer, the universe, a bird, a rock, a snowflake, a pen, coffee, whatever...
How hard can that be? It's easy. Try it and tell me or don't tell me. I'm okay with people just thinking quietly to themselves.
Today, for one minute, remember to feel some wonder.
Hubble telescope images
Microbes and organisms deep in the sea