Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Budget me this Batman...

One thing about the information super highway is - well - there's a lot of information out there. Some of it is amusing. Some of it is deep and though provoking. Some of it's both.

I found one that's sort of both here. Frankly, it would be more amusing if it didn't have such a real impact on most Americans (those who aren't blessed with multi-million dollar fortunes that is). It's a look at how the Democrats and Republicans stack up on the economy, size of government, expenses of said government.

Keep in mind while you're trolling through this that it is dealing with the modern era, but doesn't include the current Bush administration's fine stewardship. The numbers run from Kennedy through Clinton.

By the way, the numbers were originally compiled on this guy's blog, which looks like it's full of some interesting thoughts - or spotlighting of some interesting facts and tidbits, at least.


thephoenixnyc said...

Wow, that is absolutely fascinating. Great job in posting this Shawn.

If you added Bush IIs numbers in the differences would be even more pronounced. Especially in non-defense workers, spending and deficits.

Melissa said...

I love it. Very interesting. Have you read the Obama book yet? I keep waiting for someone I know to have an opinion.

begins with v said...

oh wow! Bush should name his next dog "trillion" That would be a cool name! Speaking of his dogs...have you seen the Christmas video of them?? He does one every year and Jon Stewart had some footage of it on his show last week...it had me in stitches!

begins with v said...

Hey Shawn,

I cannot figure out how to get onto Miranda's blog...do you know?

Shawn said...

Hey Slade...she has a new address at http://coffeemugged.blogspot.com/. It took me a while to figure that one out.

Eileen said...

I love how your blog is all politics and sexy computer drawings of girls. It reminds me of Fox News.

S.M. Elliott said...

LOL, "Politics, Law, and Autism". Aren't they all the same thing? ;D