Saturday, December 10, 2005

Some things just aint right...

Here's a little silly Christmas cheer from me to you... Pretend it's a card and you just got it in the mail.

I'm guessing there's not a lot of kids sitting on this fella's lap. Oh well, he's having fun... Don't ask, don't tell.

I've been a busy little beaver, trying to learn Flash. All I can say is it's not that hard, but it's not very easy. Next up...adding some music to the loop. I told you the fun never stops here.



tshsmom said...

OK, which is it; Satan Claus, or Panty Claus? Then you have that guy Nick, that doesn't visit at Christmas and leaves toe-jam coated candy. I'm so confused!

Shawn said...

T-mom - Well, you's not a black and white's just a variation on the age old he a really a jolly old elf or is he Tim Allen? Only the Shadow knows for sure...

Shelly - Probably...he's clearly into the silky smoothness of Body by Victoria's Secret. That and old school Chanel No. 5.

P.S. --- This is what happens when you blog under the influence. At least I caught most of the typos... Cheers everyone!

143 said...

Mrs. Claus will be wicked bummed when she figures out that it was not, as previously suspected, that flamer Blitzen raiding her fine unmentionables drawer.

Laura said...

Satan Claus wears pink panties to lure the innocent christian children into debauched sex acts... oh, wait. That's the Diocese. NM.

something said...

OK I never read the Narnia books but I saw the movie. Two things . . . NO! Three things struck me . . . ohmygod . . . four things struck me about the movie.

1. It's not that good.
2. That whole Passion of the Aslan media backlash thing is so insane. yes the lion is a christ-like figure but there are millions of christ-like figures in all sorts of movies and books - get over it. It was so easy to not notice the christian overtones . . . thank you Mel Gibson for making everyone so super sensitive about Jesus.
3. Why did they choose to include chewing noises in the movie??? I HATE CHEWING NOISES!!!!
4. (and this actually connects with your post) Santa gave the children weapoons!!! What the hell is up with that??? He gave a 9 year old a throwing knife!!! WTF!!!!

kris said...

So wrong, so wrong. Amazing that no one ever pointed out that Rudolph never wore pants, either!

All around disturbing.

The Zombieslayer said...

Well, with the Packers so difficult to watch and Wisconsin weather, I'd be practicing my Flash too. ;)

begins with v said...

I love how you have "sitting on this fella's lap" and "beaver" in the same post...hehe

Melissa said...

Nice flash action! Can you make Santa in to a flasher?

I am alive...and blogtastic once again!