Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Josh lays down some smack..

He did it in a nice way mind you, but I could see him slowly shaking his head back and forth in a slightly mocking way. So, of course, I must now rise to the challenge...

The problem here is that Josh is a U2/Shaolin Monk -- I know, you thought there weren't any left in the world, but trust me there are -- and his unspoken challenge is U2 rarities. Basically, I'm screwed on this but I must fight on...

Here's the opening moves from an email from Josh...

"Next thing you know, you're gonna be asking me if I've
ever heard the Lounge Fly Mix of 'The Fly' or the live version of
'Bullet the Blue Sky' from Dublin, August 28, 1993 -- and I think even Dixie Redfearn knows what silly questions those would be. That woman is a rare breed of genius."

Clearly, he's toying with me here... He knows that I know that the Lounge Fly mix is probably on his Top Ten Greatest Songs of All Time list and obviously he's trying to rile me with the Dixie Redfearn comment...

I've countered with a feint about a bootleg of the June 6, 1983, Manchester show (I could only feint to buy time since I don't have a copy of it... nor have I actually heard it, but it's really just meant to plant a seed of doubt in his mind). So, after that I followed "with Screaching Monkey followed by 'What's Going On' (Live, Kansas City, 2001) and a roundhouse Pop Mart show, Live from Tel Aviv..."

I fear it was a weak opening move and I know it will take much more than this to topple the master in his own temple, but I can only work with the tools I have...