Saturday, April 01, 2006

Much better mood...

I'm much less irritable today. Still annoyed, but much less so than I was. Deep breaths. Helpful hint...don't mix family and business. Deep breath. Wuuuuuu Saaaaaa...

A couple things have made me happier. First, my dog - Bertrand - is better. He wasn't doing too well for the last couple of days and that frayed my nerves. He's sort of become my parent's dog over time, since they kept him when I couldn't have a dog and got attached enough to keep him with them. So, they've had frayed nerves too.

He had a intestinal blockage thing going on and might have needed surgery. That would have sucked. He was on an IV for a day and that was enough to get him to speak. Anyway, that whole thing had me on edge. Gladly, it seems to be over and he's doing fine. Still waiting on some tests to make sure there's not something else going on.

Second, women's tennis. I watched a great match the other night and it did a lot to keep my mind distracted and me entertained. I do love tennis...

Watched the final of the NASDAQ tournament today. Not as good as the match the other night, but it was still fun to watch.