Weapons of Mass DelusionmentMaybe someone can explain this whole weapons of mass destruction thing to me. You remember those. These alleged weapons are the reason we're over in Iraq right now. There were tons -- no really, tons -- of them over there. We weren't sure where that crafty bastard hid them, but they were out there somewhere.
Every day of the leadup to the invasion, we were told by the administration and the Republicans on the hill that we had to get in there quick and stop this huge threat to our security.
"This is a war on terror people... just look at that freak, you just gotta know he's planning to use these Weapons of Mass Destruction. Did y'all get that? That was WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION... That's W.E.A.P.O... ah, heck you fellas can just look it up..."*
So... here we are.
After all this time over there searching, we still haven't found much. Maybe it's just that Republicans suck at finding stuff. They spent how many years funding Kenneth Star? At least he managed to uncover a blowjob... great work Kenny. Maybe if you spent more time getting a blow job than trying to fu@@ the former president up the a$$... but that's a whole different tangent.
(It's also a great possibility for some cheap humour... "Ah Dubya... this is Bubba... you lookin' for weapons of mass destruction? I got one right here in my pants. Hahahahahahahah... Hillary... did you hear that? I just PUNKED Bush!")
My real question is this. Is a nuclear bomb a weapon of mass destruction? I always thought it was. Maybe I'm just naive, but it seems to be a perfect candidate for the name.
So, if we were so worried about weapons of mass destruction, why is it that we had spend all this fucking money looking in a barren, rotten desert when there was a bunch of little North Koreans jumping up and down, waving their hands and screaming, "We've got a bomb over here! We're working on nuclear weapons!"
What, did no one translate that for George W.?
"Uhhh... Sir... we think that when they're saying that they're working on nuclear weapons, they're talkin' about nucular bombs..."
"What! Holy Crap... Nucular bombs are bad!"**
Great job asshole. Thanks a bunch. Yeah I feel so much more secure since you took office. Thank God we didn't elect a Democrat...
I'm not sure if I'm more offended by the politicians who have been feeding me all this crap... or by the people who re-elected Bush because they believed it.
*This is a genuine, simulated, re-enacted conversation with the American people. Actors are being used. No animals were hurt during the filming of this genuine, simulated, re-enacted conversation with the American people... **This is also a genuine, simulated... c'mon, is it that hard to imagine this actually happening? You know you can sort of picture it. Don't worry, you won't get kicked out of the "I Luv 'Merica" Club